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- Ages 15 and over
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Did you know that the Council of the European Union and the European Council are not the same? They might have similar names, but they have very different roles and membership. This video illustrates the differences between these two institutions and explains their main roles
On the same topic

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This online quiz has been created for secondary school pupils to help them understand the basics about the EU.

This pedagogical kit aims to provide educators with practical guidance for the exhibition Art in Democracy.

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Discover how the 27 EU countries work together: teach, learn and play with the Council's civic education package

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If you are between 15 and 18, or are a secondary school teacher interested in finding out about the European Union and what it does for you, then this publication is for you.

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Do your students want to help change the world? The 'EU Democracy in Action’ Toolkit encourages students to take an active role in European issues with four interactive lessons on democracy in the EU and the European Citizens’ Initiative.

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Step into the shoes of a national minister and experience EU decision-making by negotiating on real topics that matter for you.

Virtual tour of Europa: the house of EU countries.

Your private data is now protected, thanks to GDPR, the EU's new data privacy law.