The first year of the EU Children’s Participation Platform - European Union Skip to main content
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News article31 January 2024Directorate-General for Communication1 min read

The first year of the EU Children’s Participation Platform

The EU Children’s Participation Platform is a safe space for children and teenagers to express their opinions on matters that affect them, and to add their voices to EU decision making processes.

Young people working in groups and speaking into a microphone

In 2023, the EU Children’s Participation Platform had a busy schedule of activities, including monthly meetings of their Children’s Panel, their first General Assembly meeting, and the first edition of the Platform’s quarterly newsletter (available in English). 

During a first consultation, over 1000 children and teens shared their views on how adults can better work together to keep them safe. This ran in parallel to the EU Consultation on Integrated Child Protection Services. See what the children said here: 

Child-friendly documents produced for the General Assembly were recognised with a Clear Writing award from the Commission for excellence in external communications materials. To check out the award-winning Welcome pack, and other EU child participation documents, visit this link: 

To see photos and videos of 2023’s events, including the General Assembly, follow this link: 


Publication date
31 January 2024
Directorate-General for Communication
Type of content
  • News