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Learning corner

Helping people who are forced to flee

Age groups
  • Ages 9 to 12
  • Ages 12 to 15
Type of material

Use this teaching sheet as a lesson plan to teach pupils in secondary education (ages 12-18) about helping refugees in Africa.

Age groups
  • Ages 12 to 15
  • Ages 15 and over

Learn more about the EU's Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF) and the work it does in helping vulnerable populations, especially refugees and migra...

Age groups
  • Ages 12 to 15
  • Ages 15 and over

Use this PDF in your classroom and explore the story of young entrepreneur Wanes in Libya.

Age groups
  • Ages 12 to 15
  • Ages 15 and over

Use this PDF in your classroom and explore the story of school girl Arahmatt in Burkina Faso.

Age groups
  • Ages 12 to 15
  • Ages 15 and over

Use this PDF in your classroom and explore the story of school girl Bakhita in South Sudan.

Age groups
  • Ages 12 to 15
  • Ages 15 and over

Understanding the terms refugees, migration and asylum begins with understanding a few basics. Read the definitions in this PDF, in descending order f...

Age groups
  • Ages 12 to 15
  • Ages 15 and over